Thursday, June 14, 2018

These Gloves Don't Use Video Input, but We'd Like Yours!

Two University of Washington undergraduates, sophomores Navid Azodi and Thomas Pryor, have won a $10,000 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize for gloves that can translate sign language into text or speech.
Their invention, “SignAloud,” is a pair of gloves that can recognize hand gestures that correspond to words and phrases in American Sign Language. Each glove contains sensors that record hand position and movement and send data wirelessly via Bluetooth to a central computer. The computer looks at the gesture data through various sequential statistical regressions, similar to a neural network. If the data match a gesture, then the associated word or phrase is spoken through a speaker.
“Many of the sign language translation devices already out there are not practical for everyday use. Some use video input, while others have sensors that cover the user’s entire arm or body,” said Pryor, an undergraduate researcher in the Composite Structures Laboratory in the Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics and software lead for the Husky Robotics Team.
“Our gloves are lightweight, compact and worn on the hands, but ergonomic enough to use as an everyday accessory, similar to hearing aids or contact lenses,” said Pryor.
“Our purpose for developing these gloves was to provide an easy-to-use bridge between native speakers of American Sign Language and the rest of the world,” Azodi said. “The idea initially came out of our shared interest in invention and problem solving. But coupling it with our belief that communication is a fundamental human right, we set out to make it more accessible to a larger audience.”

There have been many negative responses to this invention, from concerns about misreading signs because facial expressions aren’t taken into account, to anger that this invention only encourages laziness and apathy from non-signers, putting more responsibility on the signers.
Read about this invention, watch a short video of theirs on our fb page (, and let us know what you think about them and their impact on Deaf people and how they interact with the hearing world.

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